
CS GROUP is proud to support French Air and Space Force during the tri-nations exercise ATLANTIC TRIDENT (17th to 28th of May 2021 on Mont de Marsan Airbase). ATLANTIC TRIDENT involved up to 60 US, UK and French aircrafts (RAFALE, F35A/B, TYPHOON, M2000, E-3F/D, A400M, PHENIX, SCRIBE EW, CARACAL…), supported by the French C2 chain,...
CS GmbH, a subsidiary of CS GROUP, has been selected by ESOC (European Space Operation Centre) for the development and deployment of GSMC-CC (Ground Station Monitoring & Control Common Core). Due to its strong involvement in the EGOS-CC program, CS GROUP was able to build in the past four years a core team of experts...
CS GROUP has just participated in the kick-off of EO Africa R&D project for European Space Agency – ESA in collaboration with University of Twente, VITO, Serco & Universität Wien. The project aims to promote the use of Copernicus datafor research projects in Africa, mainly on the topics of water resources management and food security....
Brussels, Luxembourg, Paris, the 16th of November 2020 GAIA-X’s mission is to strengthen digital European sovereignty by empowering the development of innovation data ecosystems. As Space is one of the new Big Data, on 17th of November 2020, and in the context of the launch of next GAIA-X phase, four European companies announce a new...
The Space Business Unit of CS GROUP wins the embedded software development project for the MMX rover (Martian Moons Exploration) on behalf of CNES within the framework of its cooperation with JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. CNES is in charge of this rover which will land on Phobos, one of the two moons of Mars,...
The Copernicus Research and User Support (RUS) project, led and operated by CS GROUP, proposes effective alternatives to the isolation linked to Covid-19, in order to allow the academic world to continue its activities and the exploration of the Copernicus space programme, the European programme for Earth observation and monitoring. Since March 2020, the four...
Contract worth more than €100m in total The aerospace command and control system (SCCOA) is used to carry out the missions of surveillance and control of airspace, coordination of ground-to-air defence, preparation and conduct of air operations on national territory as well as in external operations. It comprises a set of sensors (radars), operations centres...
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