Embedded systems

Certified secure systems

The challenges of future Embedded Systems

Advances in multi / many-core technology, AI and solutions which include, or will include embedded systems are transforming traditional development practices. They have a significant impact on the certification process for airborne embedded systems and more generally the approval of embedded systems carrying out critical missions in all sectors.

In parallel with the constantly growing need for functional safety in embedded systems, their security, in particular where highly connected and autonomous systems are concerned, is a major challenge that needs to be taken into account.

Acknowledged expertise

CS GROUP has over 30 years’ experience in this field, and our accumulated expertise allows us to define and develop safe, secure and sustainable products. We also support our clients at every stage, up to and including the certification of these systems. At the cutting edge of innovation, CS GROUP is investing in particular in embedded security and AI systems.

The embedded systems provided by CS GROUP meet the most stringent security and safety standards: DO-178B/C, ECSS-E-ST-40, MIL-STD-498, IEC 61508, EN 50128, ISO 26262, DO-326A.

A unique model of high-tech development & expertise, based on similar standards