
[ RDV INNOVATION ]We had the pleasure of organizing our very first “45 MN INSPIR” Innovation Rendezvous in digital format!WHAT IS THE OBJECTIVE OF “45 MN INSPIR”?A moment of exchange between experts and collaborators around various themes. For this first one, we tackled the subject of Artificial Intelligence with our expert Marjorie Allain-Moulet!Sharing our expertise...
[ SCHOOL EVENT ]CS GROUP participates in the week of the professions of SeaTech School of Engineering of Toulon.Today, Philippe Coupard and Lucas Greiner, an alumnus of SeaTech School of Engineering, are present with the students in order to share their experience and discuss with them our jobs, our sectors of intervention and our exciting...
CS GROUP is now a ” Principal Member ” of ITxPT allowing it to have access to the technical and functional committees set up. This participation will allow CS GROUP to develop a component of #Traveler#Embarked Information that complies with ITxPT specifications and can be labelled. Read more : more about CS GROUP :...
[ LIVE ] Discover the first edition of the GINUM Blue Book, the result of a collective work carried out by #GINUM members around exchange sessions and interviews with state, academic and industrial actors. Download the Blue Book on : The Blue Book proposes 19 lines of thought around four key topics in #sovereign and...
For the second year in a row, CS GROUP actively participated in the military  #AsterX Space Surveillance exercises, in support of the #CDE-Army of the Air and Space and CNES. By operating these Space Surveillance tools – #SSA, the CS GROUP in SPACE teams are affirming their role as a major French player in space...
CS GROUP participates in “Girls On The Move Week”! WHAT IS THE “GIRLS ON THE MOVE WEEK” ? An initiative of the association Elles bougent to encourage meetings between women engineers and technicians working in industry, students in scientific and technical fields, high school and college girls! Transport, Digital, Construction, Energy, Environment… Throughout the world, this...
#InternationalWomen’sDay On this Tuesday, March 8, and like every other day of the year, CS GROUP is proud to honor women in technical and scientific fields. Find all the commitments in favor of the #Space sector #UnEspaceSansClichés#CSGROUP______ Marie de Saint Salvy | SpacEarth Initiative
[ CUSTOMER TESTIMONIAL ] Our priority is the satisfaction of our customers! And what could be more satisfying and motivating for our teams than feedback like the one we just received… The Head of the CIC, from the General Directorate of the National Gendarmerie thanks us: “First and foremost I would like to express my...
[ CS ACADEMY ] CS GROUP continues to develop its modules for the CS ACADEMY through conferences on its businesses, thus enabling our talents to understand the galaxy of our activities, the richness of our techniques and to open up the field of possibilities in terms of internal careers. This time, we had the pleasure...
[ WORLDSKILLS France ] CS GROUP is pleased to announce that our employee Somphon Sy has been awarded a gold medal at the WorldSkills France – THE Competition of the Professions in the field of Cybersecurity! You want to know more about the competition?It’s here: After regional and national selections, Somphon SY is part...
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